
Sunday 17 March 2013

The new hero's of our world!

As a childhood, teenage and even a adult rebel I was always searching for the reason(s) as to why I'm different, always searching for the reasons as to why I never fitted in anywhere. But today everything changed for me........
I came across a definition that changed my life forever, this made me understand myself for the first time!
It helped me to understand the reason(s) behind the fact that I never fitted in with my family or peers.

To all the rebbels, (or better) 'hero's' out there..... there is nothing wrong with us!
On the contrary, we are the sane ones,  the clever ones, because we take charge of our own minds and our own behavior, we are not content to follow along with what other people are doing, most people follow the herd even if that means doing something self-destructive.

Thanks to Sigmund Fraud from you changed my life!

This is his definition : A rebel , 'the new hero', is someone, anyone, who combats the staleness of a decaying society by looking at the areas in our lives most in need of repair and then, deliberately, does not do what the conformist majority is doing. This is a thoughtful person who applies the knowledge and information we have available today in the pursuit of living in creative ways that defy the herd and defend life and liberty.

Thanks again!

Friday 15 March 2013

Survival Properties of Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar

Garlic can stimulate the production of glutathione, an amino acid which is known to be a very potent antioxidant and de-toxifier and the smooth muscle relaxant adenosine, also found in the herb, will lower blood pressure.

Today people use garlic to help prevent atherosclerosis (plaque build up in the arteries causing blockage and possibly leading to heart attack or stroke), reduce colds, coughs, and bronchitis.

Survival Properties:Garlic is a great antibiotic and also has powerful antiviral properties making it a good choice all year to combat colds, flu, ear infections, and maintain a healthy circulatory system.

Latin Name: **Allium sativum
**Common Names: **Allium, Garlic, Rustic Treacle, Stinking Rose

Properties: antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-viral, expectorant, fungicide, antihistamine

Uses: Lowers blood pressure and LDL Cholesterol. Prevents atherosclerotic buildup. Lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar. Helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses. Removes heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body. Reduces yeast infections. Relief from rheumatism. Protects against heart disease and strokes. Wounds, ulcers, skin infections, flu,

“Garlic Acid Tincture Recipe”
Apple Cider/Garlic Tincture Recipe
4 cloves of fresh Pressed Garlic
6 oz. Raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

1 clean glass jar

Potato Ricer and or cheesecloth

Mix both together in a glass jar for 2-4 weeks the longer the stronger shaking daily.
Strain garlic and squeeze well in a cheesecloth and or potato ricer put 1/4 of raw pressed garlic back in jar and bottle. The raw garlic will help maintain the potency level at optimal

1. Place 4 oz. of Cider vinegar in a jar add minced or pressed garlic cloves.

2.Cover and shake daily for a min of 2 weeks, longer will give you a stronger and more potent tincture.

3. After 2 weeks or more strain garlic from cider vinegar and press the juices from the garlic with a cheesecloth or place the socked chopped garlic wrapped in a cheesecloth and press it in a potato ricer and squeeze the juices back into the cider vinegar them replace the chopped garlic back into the vinegar and bottle.

Use 1/2 teaspoon or 1 full eyedropper into a 6 oz. glass of WARM filtered water for cold and flu and even Bronchitis or as a daily healthy Tonic this is great for the circulatory system.This is good for cold and flu and as a natural anti-viral antidote a great travel aid and first aid companion.
Do Not Use if pregnant or breast-feeding.

“Garlic for ear infections”
Take 1/4 cup of olive oil and 2 cloves of pressed garlic mix well, microwave or heat for 2 minutes let get down to a warm state, put 2 drops in affected ear followed by a sterile piece of cotton. By morning you should feel more than relief if not well altogether.


The new Pope......hahahaha

Tuesday 12 March 2013

PARANOID? MOI? OK Maybe.....

'A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what is going on'